At the end of 2008 and 2009 I made posts exactly like this one, a “best of” post, if you will. Basically a highlight of the important things that happened in the year previous, which will be followed by a post of the things I hope to happen in the year to come.
While I didn’t achieve all the goals I set for 2010 ((I do not like to call these resolutions but rather goals, expectations, and hopes for the next year. Resolutions have too many connotations associated with them.)) I did achieve quite a few of them. I didn’t get either of the licenses I mentioned last year, both of which I would still like to get, actually, but I did find a partner (albeit an ex at the time), write more, comment more, figure out my job situation, work on getting out of debt (not there yet), and I was definitely more active. Pretty good, if you ask me. So here are some of the highlights of the year.
In 2010 (kind-of sort-of in chronological order)…
- I was in a production of Julius Caesar with Theatre in the Rough in Juneau.
- I reunited with Onyx and moved back to Seattle after spending the first two and a half months of the year in Juneau.
- I participated in my first foursome and my number of sexual partners increased by four (though it hasn’t increased since July).
- I had some great weekends and got to meet Tristan Taormino, Amber, Em, Lilly, Nadia, Roxy, and Alpine Subdreams, and see Kyle, CoyPink, Alec (CoyPink’s husband), Essin’ Em/Shanna, and Minx again.
- I attended the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival for the first time, Sex 2.0 for the second time, and Element 11 for the second.
- I sorted out what I’m doing with my life and have been making strides toward that goal. It’s a work in progress.
- I worked on becoming more healthy and active and, in the process, lost quite a bit of weight, although I haven’t really talked about it that much, other than the post I just linked to which is more about my reconciliation of being size-positive but still wanting to lose weight than actually losing weight.
- I celebrated five years with Onyx (not counting the break in our relationship from November 2009 to January 2010).
- I changed my domain once again from FemmeFagette.com to OfPleasure.com
- Onyx and I did a lot of talking and examining of our relationship and rediscovered our Owner/Cuntpet dynamic. After a few months I asked for a new collar to symbolize our new relationship and he re-collared me on the five-year anniversary of our original collaring.
- I started the 30 Days of Kink writing prompts which I’ll finish in 2011.
- I attended and participated in the Seattle Esoteric Book Conference performing in a ritual play The Shrine of the Golden Hawk.
- I became more in touch with my spirituality, joined the OSOGD, and worked on learning and growing in that arena as well as others. I reconnected with the Goddess I am devoted to and am working on doing her work.
- I became a Certified Hypnotherapist.
- I participated in a pornographic documentary which helped recognize my desire to do work in porn. Scarlet Sophia (@ScarletSophiaXI) was born.
More? Of course there’s more. That short bullet-point list doesn’t account for everything I did in 2010, but it’s definitely a start. I didn’t mention my sex toy review site Wanton Lotus Reviews or my sex toy review round-up project Pleasurists which celebrated 100 issues. I didn’t talk about all the times that Onyx and I had sex or exchanged words of love. My posts for this past year haven’t even captured everything I have written about, this year was more about going out and doing.
I’m excited for the next year to come. I think it will be amazing.