Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Tag: leather Page 1 of 2

KASB: Shoeshine Boy

I still have my first pair of knee-high leather boots. They were Fluevog Angel Boots, though I didn’t know what Fluevog was at the time, I was sixteen. Although the soles are now virtually nonexistent and the toes are scuffed beyond recognition I still have them, because they are a part of my past, a part of my life for so long. I still remember going to birthday dinner at my favorite chinese place in my hometown the same evening I got them and being so excited to have them snug around my calves.

I’ve been a lover of leather boots ever since. I’ve been thinking recently that leather boots may go so far as to being a fetish of mine, and not just in a talismanic sense. The feel of leather surrounding my flesh is intoxicating, and taking my Owner’s boots off for him or the idea of his boot pressed against my body fills me with pleasure. I discovered Lee Harrington‘s video Sole/Soul: The Art of Leather (a free video that anyone can watch, btw, even if you’re not a member) a while ago and even before watching it I had the desire to learn bootblacking, but it inspired me to start seriously looking into it. […]

Read the rest on the Kink Academy Student Blog!

Read all of my Student Blog Posts here

Review: Axovus Wrist Cuffs

Find these Axovus Wrist Cuffs and matching Ankle Cuffs (my review of the ankle cuffs) along with other BDSM and Fetish Toys and sex toys of every flavor on SexToy.Com.

Much thanks to SexToy.Com for letting me review the Axovus Wrist Cuffs!

The Winner of the First Giveaway Is…

Coy Pink!

Oh, goodness… it’s pink! I must have it! It goes with my theme, dontcha know. I’d put a fresh shock of color (pink, of course) in my hair, let Alec lovingly place the collar on my neck and the blindfold on my face. Then I’d beg him to beat me with the whip. All of this, of course, would be followed up by a photo session to capture the glory of the pink naughtiness.

What a fun giveaway!

And we do expect to see those pictures you promised!

How I wish I had more of these to give away! I couldn’t decide so I numbered my favorites and used a Random Number Generator to pick the winner. If I had my way all four of you would receive one!

However, there will be more contests in the future, so be sure to enter those! Someone’s gotta win, why not you? Enter my Holiday Bunny Giveaway and keep your eyes peeled for my contest on Pleasurists as well featuring four kinky items from PinkCherry.Com!

Sexy Kinky Swag Giveaway!

pink kink kit

Well, it’s the holidays, and the generous people at Babeland have given me some swag to give away! I chose the Pink Kink Kit (because it’s adorable, and who can resist alliteration like that?)! This is the first giveaway on this blog (with many to come in the future).

pink kink kit

The Kit comes in “an innocent pink mesh bag” and includes all that you see above: a gorgeous pink leather blindfold with a little heart on it, a little pink 11″ whip, and a snap pink leather collar with SEXY on the front.

I think it’s absolutely adorable. My favorite part of the kit is the blindfold (and they have matching pink cuffs with hearts as well!), I imagine the little whip would be fun as well, perfect for some impact play on smaller sensitive areas. While it is a beginner kit, it would be fun for beginner and advanced players alike, and especially for anyone who enjoys the color pink.

pink kink kit

So, how do you get your very own Pink Kink Kit? It’s easy! Make sure you give me a valid email and be willing to give me your home address. If you can do those two things than all you’ve got to do is comment and tell me why you want it, and maybe give me some idea of what you would do with it if you were to win it. Deadline is Friday December 19th at 11:59pm PST.

Not your thing? That’s okay! Just wait for the next one and see if that’s more to your liking.

Review: Axovus Ankle Cuffs

Axovus Set of 2 Lined Ankle Cuffs

Despite loving restraints I really don’t own that many of them. Sure, I have the Under the Bed Restraints, a little bit of rope, and plushy gear wrist cuffs but you’ll notice one important ingredient is missing from all of bondage devices: leather!

When looking through the vast amounts of BDSM and Fetish Toys on SexToy.Com I was drawn to their handcuffs and legcuffs section. With such a wide selection it was difficult to choose a set, but the Axovus Ankle Cuffs (and matching Wrist Cuffs) called out to me.

First of all, these babies are huge! They’re three inches wide, just over a quarter of an inch thick (about 5/16ths of an inch according to my tape measure), and fit a five to eleven inch ankle.

Because of thier size so they are best used as ankle cuffs and not wrist cuffs (some are interchangeable, these not so much). Even if you tighten them well on the wrists they are still somewhat easy to slip out of, so that’s where their matching Wrist Cuffs come in handy.

The Axovus Ankle Cuffs are wonderful for what they are made for: ankles. These are lined with neoprene which is then lined with soft fabric to make it extra cushy and very soft on the inside so they’re fabulous to wear for long periods of time. They have high quality leather on the outside as well. The cuffs are sturdy and very obviously well-made and made to take a lot of stress, so you can wiggle and resist to your hearts content!

Each cuff has a connected D-ring and come with three connectors: two “spring snaps” that I always call carabiner clips, and one double snap lock which has connectors on either side. You can attach them to each other using the connectors that come with them or connect them to anywhere else that they can be clipped to.

I used the ankle cuffs along with my Under the Bed Restraint System and they were fantastic! The Under the Bed Restraints come with thin velcro-attaching cuffs that are great in and of themselves, but they’re hardly heavy or leather, so these are a great way to make the Under the Bed Restraint System a little more… hardcore, for lack of a better word.

If you’re looking for nice comfortable high quality leather ankle cuffs, I highly recommend these lined Axovus ankle cuffs!

Thanks to SexToy.Com for the ankle cuffs! Find the Axovus ankle cuffs, other BDSM and Fetish Toys, and lots of other sex toys at SexToy.Com!

Fabulous (HNT)

I was feeling fabulous and decided to put on my red leather corset, fishnets, and red and leopard print shoes. I did a few classic pinup poses but photos from my perspective.

HNT Fabulous Fishnets

I thought my legs looked pretty wonderful, but my boobs looked pretty awesome as well, so I had to get a nice shot of that. Similar perspective, but different focus…

HNT Fabulous Boobs

I took a few shots with my leopard print coat, to match the shoes. I’ve had this coat for about nine years, and I still love it! It’s had it’s share of repairs, but is still as fabulous as ever.

HNT Fabulous Leopard Coat

And a little back view…

HNT Fabulous Leopard Coat Back View

My fabulous drag queen self couldn’t resist showing off today, as my flame is burning bright. I’ve been thinking a lot about my genders lately, and my affinity with Mae West, and if you haven’t read my post on The Femme’s Guide please do! I’m feeling really happy with my body, happier than I have in a while, and I think it shows.

XXXmas Wishlist

Since it’s getting to be that time of year (it’s December already?! How did that happen?) I thought I would share a few naughty things on my xxxmas wishlist. I’m not expecting to get all of these this holiday season, probably only one if any, but a femme can dream, can’t she?

Advanced Play Piercing Kit from Play Piercing Kits.Com which includes pretty much anything you could want for play piercing, as well as a case to carry it all in. I’ve been drooling over this since I found it, and I want to make it mine!

Advanced Play Piercing Kit from

The Midori Value Kit in crimson and The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage by Midori from Twisted Monk, to better try out the ties from Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes as well as Midori’s own book.

The Deluxe Toy Bag from Protocol Leather which includes: 2 paired Two Tone Suede Floggers, 1 Protocol Flogger, 1 set of Ankle Cuffs, 1 set of Wrist Cuffs, 1 Collar, 1 Dragon’s Tongue, 1 Snake’s Tongue, 1 Protocol Agony Cane, 1 Stinger, 1 Protocol Strap, and 1 Lexan Cane. I just know that Onyx and I would have lots of fun with all these delicious implements.

I also desperately desire a Violet Wand Kit, though they are way out of our current price range (though so is the protocol leather kit, but I can still want them! I have seen electrical play done, but not yet experienced it for myself, but I want to rather badly, and I know Onyx feels similarly.

There are, of course, non-sex fetishes that I also love to partake in, namely my shoe and boot fetishes. I figured I should add a few of those in as well.

Corset Magic Boots from Pennangalan. I have wanted these boots for just about this side of forever (or about three years) and just have never been able to afford them, since they are expensive as it is and also from the UK. They are gorgeous, though.

I was going to include a pair of cute Fluevog shoes, but the site doesn’t want to load. May edit in later!


There are so many Fluevog shoes I’ve been drooling over, and boots too, including these boots and these boots, but I already showed you a picture of boots I want, so I’ll show you some Fluevog shoes. Since I’m chronically unable to make up my mind or choose just one when it comes to things I like, I’ll show you three! Though I can’t decide if I want the first ones in black or red… maybe both!


So, that’s my expensive naughty wants this holiday season. What do you want?

Microfantasy Monday – Standing

The idea behind Microfantasy Mondays comes from Ang of Sweltering Celt.

This week’s theme: it’s all about standing up.

I shiver softly as the scissors work up my back, cutting away what little fabric still covered me from view, slashing up the back of my dress and across the short sleeves so that it falls to the floor. Underneath, now exposed, my lace garter belt still clings to the quivering skin, accentuating and framing all the right places. The scissors cut my bra, too, the straps and back hanging down while the cups are the only things keeping my breasts from pressing bare against the cold wall the way my arms already were as they were splayed out at my sides.

She presses the cool leather between my thighs, nudging them apart, and I begrudgingly oblige so that my cunt is exposed to the air. Widening my stance requires me to slide down the wall a bit which shifts the bits of bra still hanging and catches her attention, she reaches a hand and tugs the soft material away, pressing her clothed groin against my ass and grinding softly as she bites my neck, tossing the bra away. I moan and shiver again, this time from excitement rather than the cold, her body warming me as it teases me. Again she puts the handle between my legs, this time pressing the handle against my cunt, making me grind down against it as she tsks softly at me.

“Not yet, pet.” She croons in an amusement-laced tone. “There’s plenty of that to come. But first…”

Happy Halloween (HNT)

I’m a little late on my HNT, but here it is! This is me in my Leather Hobble Corset Dress from Alter Ego Erotics, which I absolutely love and am going to wear on Saturday for a play party we’re going to. The skull is simply half of our television decarations in the living room, the other half being the puzzle box from Hellraiser.

Tomorrow night for Halloween itself we are having a horror movie marathon to celebrate. One of the many strange things about Utah is they don’t really do trick or treating, not around here anyway. They do trunk or treating, and they have trick or treating at malls and such, only “safe” locations as to not potentially pick up a razor blade in a piece of candy or something like that, because that’s totally happened.

In other news, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while you may know that Onyx and I have been planning on moving to San Francisco for quite some time. Due to some recent developments, my lack of getting a job and some issues at his work as well, and the possibility of getting my PFD in the next few weeks, we’ve been wondering if all this is the universe’s way of pushing us toward moving sooner rather than later. Well, we’ll see, but for now it looks like Seattle will just be easier in general to move to and easier to get a job in, so that’s where our sights are set.

More interesting and sexy post tomorrow (though the picture’s pretty sexy, just not so much the text).

Review: The Hardcore Harness

This is my second strap-on harness, the first that I bought about four or five years ago, the Terra Firma Harness, and has served me well over the years, but as I always want more than one option for any given activity I decided it was time to get another harness. I looked around for something different, and something a little less basic than the terra firma with a little more show.

I was first attracted to this harness because of the back side of it. Similar to the Corsette Harness the Hardcore Harness laces up the back and emphasizes curves in all the right ways, wide enough to flatter any figure. It also has flame detail on the leather, which makes me think about bikers and leather style and is what gives this harness it’s name. The harness is well-crafted and gorgeous.

My first priority when it comes to choosing a strap-on harness is if it will fit me, there are a number of harnesses that I lust over which are just simply too small for my body. Many harnesses only go up to 42″ or so, which is fine if that fits you, but for those of us of the bigger variety we need to go for something larger. The Hardcore Harness fits up to 54″ hips and smaller, I found it to fit well, with some room to maneuver around in as well.

Only the front and back of the harness are leather, and the front panel of leather can easily be taken off if you prefer to feel the dildo’s base against you. The sides are nylon and have the kind of fasteners I associate with backpacks: ones that you can easily tighten and release by a tug, which makes putting it on and taking it off incredibly easy! It’s also very easy to adjust The Hardcore Harness to exactly where you want it, tightening or loosening even while in the middle of fucking with it.

I’ve used this with both Bandito and Celestial Perfection (reviews coming soon) and it easily held each of them. It comes with an o-ring already which fits toys up to 2″ in diameter, but you could easily exchange the o-ring for a smaller or larger ring to fit your toy perfectly.

It is a two-strap or jock-strap style harness and the front panel rests against the mound so it doesn’t cover up the rest of the vulva at all. I also found The Hardcore Harness to be extremely comfortable as well, honestly I didn’t notice it at all while wearing it, which is a great feeling to have when wearing a harness.

It’s gorgeous and both feminine and masculine at the same time, easy and comfortable to wear, what’s not to love? It was a perfect addition to my toybox, and has helped to re-awaken my love of strap-on sex, so look forward to more harness reviews in the future!

Sex Toys and Vibrator Reviews at VibeReview

Remember: you have 8 days left to take advantage of the Obama for President Coupon (vote for change!) from VibeReview, which will give you 10% off any purchase until November 4th!

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