Note: I can’t find my card reader for my camera, but once I do I will have a custom picture up, not the stock photo.
I love canes. No, really. I mean, I often hate them as well, especially while they are being used, but I think they (can) feel great, look super sexy, and leave the prettiest marks and bruises of any impact play implement. So, when looking around at the various BDSM and Fetish Products on SexToy.Com I was instantly attracted to this gorgeous (and extremely affordable) acrylic cane.
Cane’s aren’t usually very expensive, but can range from next to nothing to around $25 or $30 at the maximum depending on material and quality of craft. I don’t think I’ve seen a cane for more than $25, though I could be wrong. They can be used lightly for more of a not too painful burning sensation, or up to a harsh sharp sting depending on the type and force of the blow. They are often scary to some, who associate canes with extreme pain, and while they can produce that if desired they can also be a wonderful (and inexpensive) addition to any toybox.
I have wanted an acrylic cane for a long time, mostly because I think they are absolutely gorgeous. I’m a color coordinator by nature, and I love to have all colors matching, including my toys to my restraints/rope/cuffs, clothes/lingerie, and etc. so acrylic canes are perfect for that. They are also just pretty in general, and prettier (I think) than natural canes, which is the other kind of cane we have.
The first cane we bought is rattan (I think) and the same shape as this one. It’s thicker than my new acrylic cane, but about the same length, 30 inches long. I find the length to be perfect, not too long to be annoying but long enough to get some nice good swings. The red acrylic cane is a lot more bendable than the other cane I have, and also stings more both because of it’s bendability as well as being thinner in diameter. The thinner the cane the more sting it produces.
Because it’s stingier that didn’t wholly endear it to me. I prefer my canings to burn more than sting, it’s a slight difference but definitely important. Although the way a cane is used also greatly impacts the type of sensation received, and this cane is easy to produce many different kinds of sensation with. I’m planning on getting the 1/4x20in Red Acrylic Cane to compare and contrast as well.
Find the Red Acrylic Cane along with other BDSM and Fetish Products and sex toys of every flavor on SexToy.Com.
Much thanks to SexToy.Com for letting me review the 3/8x30in Red Acrylic Cane!