Purveyor of Pleasure

Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Birthday Contest Winner: Candy Apple Restraints

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here. I have a many more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

The winner of the Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland is Elizabeth aka blessed_harlot!

This is one of the gifts I’m jealous of, I don’t have these and want them! I’ve played with them in the Babeland Seattle store, so I know they’re quality, and I think they’re absolutely gorgeous.

Coming up next… five winners of Tantus products!

Butch/Femme (HNT)

This week’s HNT was Marla’s idea. We’ve been doing a lot of gender play since she got here in many different forms, and that combined with my newly cut hair, walking through this park a couple days ago and wanting to take pictures in front of the waterfalls, and the dress she’s wearing (which I was wearing yesterday) all gave her the idea for these shots.

I set up and took the pictures with my tripod and little camera remote (so handy!).

We got a little naughty in the park, it’s rare I’m on the other side of the skirt and I took full advantage of the fact she wasn’t wearing panties. Luckily there weren’t too many people around. You can see a hint of that in a couple of the pictures below.

Click any picture for a larger version of the same.

First a little of me…



One of her…


Then a little of us…





Check out Marla’s HNT for some of the same and some different photos!

Birthday Contest Winners: Lust Cosmetics Mini-Kits

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here. I have a many more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

The three winners of the three mini-kits (three items each) from Lust Cosmetics are:
and SweetSpiced!

A big huge thank you to Lust Cosmetics for providing these kits and just generally being awesome!

Jennifer was amazing and sent me a birthday gift of some of her products (and a kick-ass tshirt!) as well, so look for those reviews on Wanton Lotus soon!

Coming up next… Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland!

Where the Kisses are Hers and Hers and His

It’s always funny how life gets in the way of blogging about life. I have had a dramatic decline in posting since meeting Marla, which is understandable because everything has been going so intense and so fast and I have just had less time to do things like post. I miss it, though. Having weeks where the only things I post are Pleasurists’ and HNT’s kind of makes me sad. While I love doing Pleasurists and posting HNT’s I am definitely itching to post.

Marla moved here on July 5th and it’s been rather crazy and amazing ever since. This is the first time she’s moved far away from her family and has never not been able to see her mother and the rest of her family on a semi-daily basis, that in itself has been difficult. In addition she also had to had emergency surgery only a few days before moving, which has also added to the stress.

The connection between Marla and me is amazing. I can’t really describe how wonderful it is. I’m constantly floating with NRE, and the strong desire and love we have for each other is a big part of the reason why she moved here so quickly.

While Marla and Onyx love each other they hadn’t had nearly as much time to build a relationship with each other than Marla and I had, which has been the largest issue since Marla arrived. It’s been hard on all of us, but the combination of stresses and not knowing how she and Onyx are going to relate has been extremely difficult on Marla. Being in the middle of it all has made me, the one who wants to fix everything immediately, often extremely frustrated as there isn’t a lot I can do to help.

We hit a breaking point a few days ago and we all spent some time apart collecting our thoughts and overanalyzing as we always do. Luckily since then things have been wonderful and the two of them have been closer as well.

Since Marla and I are both not working we have quite a bit of time together on the days Onyx is not working, which is very nice for all that NRE business to get semi out of our systems (for lack of a better term) before he comes home so we can all focus on being together. It’s really quite an odd situation, but we are doing our bests to make it work. The most amazing thing is that despite all the downs we all have amazing ups and even when we were at our lowest we all wanted to be together.

It’s quite a crazy ride, but we’re all getting closer every day, and I really do think that once we all get through this transition period and get past the extremely fast changes that are happening we will all be happy and solid together. We are all willing to put in the work and we all know it’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it.

Birthday Contest Winners: ID Lubes and Wet Together

I’ve been a little slow getting out the winners of my Birthday Blowout Contest, mostly because I have been distracted by Marla since she moved here as is to be expected. The contest closed on Monday at noon, and here are the first two winners!

die_tryin is the winner of the Wet Together Lube from SexToy.com!!!

JackHoff01 is the winner of ID Glide and ID Juicy Wild Cherry lubes from PinkCherry Sex Toys!

Winners coming up next: Three winners of the three mini-kits from Lust Cosmetics!

Pleasurists #37

Via photokonkurs.com

Pleasurists is a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days from bloggers all around the sex blogosphere. Did you miss Pleasurists #36? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #38? Submit it here before Sunday July 19th at 11:59pm PDT. Please re-post this list on your own blog if listed.

Want to win some free swag? All you’ve got to do is enter.

Madame Editrix
Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

On to the reviews…

Editor’s Pick

  • Outlaw Leather’s The Fix by Beautiful Dreamer
  • It also works very nicely for when he has already came multiple times and I still want more- I strap this on him, set him in a chair, and fuck myself silly. He enjoys watching me get off, I enjoy the intimacy I still feel by being connected to him, and I have my blissful orgasms.

    Editor’s Note: Not only is this a wonderful review, as always, from Beautiful Dreamer, but just recently my girlfriend and I were remarking how we needed to try a thigh harness and so of course there was not one but two thigh harness reviews in this week’s list, gotta love when things like that happen. I hadn’t seen The Fix before, and it’s a gorgeous product worthy of this great review.

Dirty Boi/Balcony (HNT)

Though it’s technically no longer Thursday I’m all about posting dirty pictures for HNT but late or whatever. I don’t usually “participate” as far as posting on the weekly HNT round-up thing but I like any excuse to post pictures. Mostly I participate in HNT whenever I have the inspiration to do so.

Last week Carnivalesq asked me to help her choose what pictures to use for her HNT, one of which was a packing picture. Being of the loving-to-pack persuasion as well I suggested that this week she, Marla, and I should all post packing pictures, and even though I’m a day late (and Marla will be too) we definitely wanted to participate!

Carnivalesq’s HNT (password protected) and Marla’s HNT!

These first couple are from a few weeks ago, taken specifically for my Daddy.



While we were out on our balcony taking Marla’s HNT we decided to take a few pictures while both of us were packing and stroking each other’s cocks.




Pleasurists #36

by Massimo Innocenti

Pleasurists is a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days from bloggers all around the sex blogosphere. Did you miss Pleasurists #35? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #37? Submit it here before Sunday July 12th at 11:59pm PDT. Please re-post this list on your own blog if listed.

Want to win some free swag? All you’ve got to do is enter.

Madame Editrix
Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

On to the reviews…

Editor’s Pick

Sickeningly Sweet (HNT)

These were taken less than an hour before we all went to the airport last time she was here. A lot has happened since.

three-way kiss

I think her latest post sums up quite a lot, and captures the excitement and fear we all are feeling for different reasons on her moving here. She will be here on Saturday the 4th indefinitely.

three-way kiss

She is making a wonderful sacrifice for us, leaving her family, friends, and life behind to come up here to Seattle to be with us, to start a new life. It’s not going to be easy, and we’re all apprehensive about what lies ahead while also being extremely excited to be together.

three-way kiss

I love them both so amazingly much. Every day brings her closer to us, and every day brings us all closer together in one way or another. We are all realizing past mistakes and committed to correcting them. We are dedicated and committed to each other, and that will get us farther than many.

The thing I’ve heard most from people when telling them about our relationship dynamic is that triads aren’t easy. This is undoubtedly true, though no relationship worth having is going to be easy. Throw in the fact that one partner has been thousands of miles away for the last six months and that just makes it that much more complicated. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s definitely been worth it.

As we creep closer to that wonderful moment when we will all be together again my excitement builds far faster than my fear. I know everything will work out, we’ve been through so much already that we know how committed we all are to the other. Living together will create new unique challenges and issues to work through but we will get through them together and be stronger because of it.

Pleasurists #35

by Matt Miller

Pleasurists is a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days from bloggers all around the sex blogosphere. Did you miss Pleasurists #34? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #36? Submit it here before Sunday July 5th at 11:59pm PDT. Please re-post this list on your own blog if listed.

Want to win some free swag? All you’ve got to do is enter.

Madame Editrix
Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

On to the reviews…

Editor’s Pick

  • Sublime by Carrie Ann
  • Insertion with this toy is wonderful. Thrusting is amazing. It’s girthy yet not huge, filling but not uncomfortable and the bumps and bulges really stimulate the inner labia and vaginal entrance.

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