Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Birthday Contest Winners: Lust Cosmetics Mini-Kits

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here. I have a many more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

The three winners of the three mini-kits (three items each) from Lust Cosmetics are:
and SweetSpiced!

A big huge thank you to Lust Cosmetics for providing these kits and just generally being awesome!

Jennifer was amazing and sent me a birthday gift of some of her products (and a kick-ass tshirt!) as well, so look for those reviews on Wanton Lotus soon!

Coming up next… Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland!


Where the Kisses are Hers and Hers and His


Butch/Femme (HNT)


  1. Woot! Congrats!
    .-= Eliot´s last blog ..Lace HNT =-.

  2. wendiana

    Thanks for giving out gifts on your birthday–that totally rocks!

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