Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Spiral Stair Corset 3 (WW)

My last of three Wanton Wednesday posts from a shoot I did two weeks ago now. You can also view the first or the second in case you missed either. I took these myself using my tripod and camera remote. Finally you can see more of the entire ensemble! These more than any of the previous ones highlight the difference between this batch of corset pictures and when I wore the corset before.

Finally, also, you get to see the bottom of the stairs. Well, the railing at least.

P.S. I know the first and third images are similar, but I love them both and I couldn’t decide!


Spiral Stair Corset 2 (WW)


30 Days of Kink: Early Hints


  1. I really love these pictures. Also that whole outfit is fantastic.

    Do you have a pattern for that shrug? I would love to make myself one.

  2. The entire outfit is great but I really love the skirt.

  3. Amber

    Dadgum girl, look at you! Hawt!

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