Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Tag: wishlist

Holiday Wishlist


This little meme has been circulating around and I thought I would give it a go too! The madness was started by Essin’ Em who also did it last year as I recall. Though I didn’t participate last year I did do something similar, my XXXmas Wishlist which was more outrageously fantastical stuff which I desired (and got one of) and this stuff is a mix of that and a little more attainable stuff.

Please do comment here if you create a list, or if you have one already and I don’t have it listed below and I will be sure to read it and attempt to help you out as much as I can. I’m broke, though, so I’m going to do as much as I can without spending monies. If you help me with anything from my list, I will do my best to reciprocate.

Just to clarify, I’m not expecting anything from this list, especially the things that cost money. The free stuff I would love to receive but the rest of it are closer to pipe dreams.

Steps (truncated)

  • Make a post listing your wishes. If you wish for real possible things, make sure you include some sort of contact info.
  • Visit the lists of others. If you see a wish you can grant, and it’s in your heart to do so, make someone’s wish come true.
  • You needn’t spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn’t to put people out, it’s to provide everyone a chance to spread the joy. You can make your gift or give away something you have that someone wants. Gifts can be made anonymously given or not — it’s your call.

My Wishlist (in no particular order)

  1. Comments, Links, Advice, etc. – Pretty simple and money-free! Comments on any of my posts, new and old, especially on reviews over at Wanton Lotus, my reviews don’t get much love. Links on your sidebar/links page/twitter/whathaveyou, again especially to Wanton Lotus would be lovely because this blog seems to be linked more often than that one and they are separate blogs. Advice on things you would like to see more of or things you would like me to include that I don’t or etc., either here or on WL. I have some ideas about things I want to do, unfortunately I’ve been a bit side-tracked by this thing called life for quite a while and haven’t yet gotten around to them, but I’m working on them now that I have more time!
  2. Hook ups to or leads on awesome (sex positive) jobs – Especially those I could do remotely from where I am now. I need a job, and I would especially love to work in sexuality or with a sex toy company or any other wonderful thing. The trick may be my current location, but I know there are plenty of jobs that could be done remotely. If you know of someone looking or know of where I could look please pass on that information.
  3. Parisian Style Floor Length Skirt from Hips ‘n’ Curves – I fell in love with this the moment I laid eyes on it. I must have it.
  4. Corset Magic Boots from Pennangalan just like last year, I have wanted these boots for years and have never gotten around to actually getting them (could be because I’m broke). I love them, and I think they would be comfy too!
  5. Anything on my BodyArtForms Wishlist, especially these Scarlet Lotus plugs (00g), how can I not want them when they have the same name as me?! Or these gorgeous Bone Hanging Lotuses (0g) they’re expensive but absolutely gorgeous! I’m stretching to 00g right now, but I would still be able to wear these even at 00g and would because they’re so absolutely lovely.
  6. Courtney Trouble’s films which I do not own, the newest ones really. I need to get to reviewing the ones I have. Other than Nostalgia I have Speakeasy, 7 Minutes in Heaven, and Roulette which I haven’t reviewed yet, so I’m missing Roulette Dirty South, Roulette Berlin, and 7 Minutes in Heaven 2: Tender Hearted from the ones that are currently out.
  7. While we’re on the subject of porn, also anything by Pink & White (except Champion), anything by/with Madison Young, anything wonderfully queer and good quality, anything by Tristan Taormino, anything with April Flores (except Glamazons and above) basically anything wonderful. Would be willing to do reviews in exchange for these, of course, and probably would do reviews regardless.
  8. LELO Mona (in red) and Ina (in purple) – The two newest LELO products and the two ((besides the Luxe line and Billy)) I do not own. I lust after everything LELO and desperately want to try their newest creations!
  9. Njoy Eleven, Pure Wand, Pure Plug (any size), or Pure Plug 2.0 – I have a couple Njoy toys, but not these, and I especially would love an Eleven!
  10. Buy something through my Affiliate Links – Good for you, since you’re getting something fabulous, and good for me because I get a bit of whatever you spend. There’s lots of wonderful things you can get from sex toys to porn to books to kink gear, lingerie, etc.

I may add more as I think of them, but this is it for now.

Other Wonderful People with Lists!

If I Had A Thousand Dollars is having a wonderful contest/giveaway called Ginger Leigh’s Fabulous Shopping Spree which requests that entrants put together a wishlist of items which totals under $1000.

There are many amazing prizes, including the possibility of receiving “all of the toys on the winning entry’s wish list (up to $1,000) delivered free of charge to an eligible winner.”

Read all the info here and enter yourself!

My $1000 Wishlist

  1. Fun Factory Curve – I lust after this toy, pure and simple. It’s gorgeous, curved just right, and makes me desire to have it. I need to work on my squirting ability and I think this toy could help with that too.
  2. Feeldoe More – Now that I’ve experienced the Share I also want to try as many similar products as possible and be able to compare/contrast them. I really loved the Share as well, and hope the Feeldoe would be as good or better!
  3. Cheetah Corsette Harness – Because I love corsets and cheetah print, what’s not to love? I love the way the back of the harness looks, very feminine and sexy, and because of the print I just seriously need it.
  4. Heart Strap-on Harness – One can never have too many harnesses in my opinion, and this one is so adorable, I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Cute and heart-shaped, red vinyl, what’s not to love?
  5. Goliath – If I’m getting some new harnesses I’d definitely have to get some new harness-compatible dildos to go along with them, right? Goliath is nice and large and looks simply delicious!
  6. Hank – Another harness-compatible dildo, though more realistic than Goliath, just in case I feel like strapping on something more realistic.
  7. Little Su Natural Dildo – I’d not seen this toy before, but if the positioning of it works the way it says it should I’m definitely interested in trying it out! Plus, it comes in red! Perfect.
  8. Smart Balls – In magenta and black. Because kegel exercisers are awesome, and I love Fun Factory. Plus, who wouldn’t want stronger orgasms and more control?
  9. We Vibe – Supposedly a great couples toy and I haven’t had the pleasure of trying it out yet! Definitely a must-have.
  10. LAYAspot – In silver and black. Again, I love Fun Factory, and I’ve had my eye on the Layaspot for quite some time. It looks like a wonderful vulva stimulator.
  11. Aneros Maximus – The large size of Aneros prostate stimulators, something my partner and I have been interested in trying out for quite some time. He enjoys prostate stimulation and Aneros is one of the best!
  12. Aneros Progasm – In black. Similar to above, looks very interesting, and is the largest Aneros toy to date, as says the site. The shape looks fabulous as well.
  13. Kama Sutra Lover’s Paint Box – Um, sexy chocolate? Yes, please! Sounds like a delicious and sexy way to spend an evening.
  14. Kama Sutra Oil of Love – In chocolate mint. Goes along with the previous, more chocolate to lick and nibble off of delicate flesh.
  15. Sweet Celebration Gift Box – On the flip-side, a kit of vanilla flavors to go with or against the chocolate, and I just love the idea of laying out rose petals before a romantic night of exploration and delicious flavors.
  16. Kama Sutra Honey Dust – Another set of delicious something to lick off of soft skin, this time in dust form that can be sprinkled across and licked up.
  17. Beginner Ball Gag – First, it’s silicone, no nasty rubber taste or smell, thank you! Also it’s gorgeous red and black, two of my favorite colors. Plus, gags are sexy.

Total = $998.53

I have just a small amount left over, though I don’t know what I would do with it. Maybe buy a bar of chocolate because chocolate and orgasms go hand-in-hand.

(Edit) In all honesty, I’m entering this more for fun than actually expecting to win. For one thing, I never win anything, but in reality I know I have lots of toys and will probably end up getting many of the toys on this wishlist before this contest is over. I really encourage all of you to apply, though, because not only is it fun to surf through a site and pick out toys and see how many you could get for $1000, but also because they have some great prizes.

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