Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

An Oral Confession

I have a confession to make. I may have mentioned this before on here, but I don’t think I have, at least I couldn’t find anything under the oral tag. I’m really not a big fan of receiving oral sex. To some this might sound crazy, though I do know that there are others of us out there who just don’t dig it as much as we’re supposedly supposed to.

Don’t get me wrong, I love having my partner pay attention to my cunt and work it and all of that good stuff, but I’m just not too down with the tongue specifically. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy it when it happens, because I do, it’s just not high on my list of preferences. I much prefer fingers and toys to a tongue, and in thinking about it I think I know why.

I began pondering my oral sex preferences a couple nights ago when Onyx decided to go down on me. This is a very rare occurrence in our sex lives since we’ve had discussions regarding my lack of desire for oral sex, and since I don’t really care for it Onyx doesn’t tend to do it. It was a nice experience that was a bit of a change to our usual interactions, and I did enjoy it quite a bit though I wasn’t expecting it.

My clit has been very sensitive lately, often too sensitive for him to touch at times, which makes him manually getting me off rather difficult. When that happens we usually opt for a toy or for me to rub my own clit, because something about knowing where and how the finger is going to move makes it less of a shock to the sensitive clit, I think.

I was having one of those overly sensitive moments and he decided to bring some tongue action into the mix. Since I was oversensitive I did appreciate the lighter touch of the tongue vs. the fingers, but it made me realize why I don’t particularly like oral: I need pressure in order to get off, specifically pressure on my clit, and it’s hard to get as much pressure as I need from a tongue. This is why I love fingers and why I do often press so hard with vibrators that I get the horrible vibrator claw-hand which makes my hand stiffen.

I really did enjoy having his tongue on my clit, alternating with fingers as well. It felt very good but it’s still not high on my list of sexual desires. Having it every so often so that it’s a different, exciting, and enjoyable experience is just perfect for me.

Now, receiving oral on my cock… that’s a different story.


The Only Thing Constant


Fallen into Place


  1. dominadoll

    I don’t like oral that much either. But it comes more because I feel I’m just laying there, perhaps I have a hard time being on the receiving end, being Domme. The other aspect is that I like to look in my lover’s eyes when having sex, so oral is not always good for that. I do love the way it feels though, I think I’m just self-conscious about receiving rather than giving.

  2. Jupiter

    I am so happy that I’m not the only one. Usually when I admit that I’m not a big fan of receiving, I get the funny looks .

    Jupiter’s last blog post: Stand up We shall not be moved Except By a child with no socks and shoes

  3. I always approach a clit as I would a cock, by sucking it. That alternating with licks, plus deftly penetrative fingers are a surefire way to get me off….

    sexie sadie’s last blog post: Why Tell Your Mother, Sadie? Confession #193

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