Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Looking Forward

Onyx and I are making lots of plans for this coming year, places and events we are going to go to and people we want to see. Lucky for us there are many awesome events right here in Seattle this year that we are going to, and one in our former home of Salt Lake City. Once I get a job and start making money we may be able to afford other events (there are plenty I would love to go to, kink conferences especially), but for the moment we are sticking to mostly local events.

We are also extremely excited about Amber (of Divergent Dance) and Em (of Life in Transition) heading up our way in April. Onyx got to meet them in November (I think, maybe December?) while I was in Juneau which I was highly jealous about, and now it’s my turn! I’m sure I’ll be writing about the experience.

I also forgot at the time of posting this that Nadia West is coming our way in April. Lucky for us all she happens to be coming the same weekend that Kyle and Roxy are also planning on visiting the Emerald City and seeing us! The wonderful CoyPink lives nearby as well and I haven’t seen her since I left to Juneau, so the six of us are planning on going out. It should be an absolute blast!

Some of these events are small workshops and such, some of them are bigger conferences. I will probably be writing about all if not most of them, so here’s a taste of what might be coming up post-wise. You can find information about each of the events by clicking on their titles (they’re all linked), or checking out the FetLife event page for each of them. I was going to write a little blurb about each of them, but I figure if you’re interested you can click the link!

I’m also interested to know if anyone of you are planning on attending any of these events, if so comment or drop me an email! (lotus AT

BDSM and Anal Play
March 27
CSPC (Seattle)
FetLife Event

Making Open Relationships Work
March 28
Babeland (Seattle)
FetLife Event

Seattle Erotic Arts Festival (SEAF)
April 30 – May 2
FetLife Event

Sex 2.0
May 22 – 23
FetLife Event

Element 11
June 10 – 14
Salt Lake City
FetLife Group

Servant’s Retreat I
June 25 – 27
Kenmore, WA
FetLife Event


e[lust] #10


Over the Weekend


  1. I’ll be in Seattle April 7-11 and would love to meet you two!
    .-= Nadia West´s last blog ..e[lust] #10 =-.

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

      Yes! I’m horrible and had forgotten when I wrote this, but I/we definitely want to meet you! I’m quite excited about it! Must edit the post to include this. =D

  2. I am going to be at SEAF, volunteering in the box office. I would love to meet you and Onyx at some point over the weekend.

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

      Definitely! I know we would both love to meet you, it’s officially added to the to-do list for the SEAF weekend. I’m sure we can figure it out once it’s closer.

  3. B’awww, we made your events post! I’m all wiggly now. :D
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Review: Crash Pad Vol. 5 =-.

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

      Hehe! Well, I’m super excited to meet you! I’ve been wanting to since we first talked on FetLife and were greeters and I lamented not knowing you when I lived in Ashland. I was so envious that Onyx got to meet you first!

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