Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Bottom (HNT)

Yet another picture from the time Marla and I had with each other, the time I have yet to write up but will get to one of these days… promise! She’s already written about our first day together, so if you haven’t read that yet you definitely should!

She’s also posting the same images this week, over here, because we’re sickeningly cute like that!

These both were taken while we were on the phone with Onyx, after some hot phone sex, as you can see in the image of me below (as I’m holding my phone). They were taken on the 10th of May around noon, Onyx mentioned he wanted more pictures of us and so Marla started snapping some while we were all on the phone. I then stole the (my) camera to take one of her, which I love. I think she was straddling me at the moment both pictures were taken?

Marla’s eyes are blacked out to protect her anonymity, my eyes are shielded just by happenstance.

She’s so sexy! And I’m so jealous of her double nipple piercings, I used to have mine like that but had to take my vertical ones out. Hers are so sexy! Everything about her is sexy!

I quite love this picture of me.


At A Loss


Reviews: Big, Cheetah, Rude, Lube!


  1. MarlaSinger

    You, my love, are fucking sexy.

  2. carnivalesq

    Gorgeous. Both of you. <3

    carnivalesq’s last blog post: Njoy Fun Wand

  3. You both look like you’re having so much fun! Cuties.

    I love Marla’s beautiful tattoos. They’re so colorful.

    Pepper’s last blog post: Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well…

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