Image by Autumn Sonnichsen Photography found via The Alexa Collection

Pleasurists is a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days from bloggers all around the sex blogosphere. Did you miss Pleasurists #28? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #30? Submit it here before Sunday May 25th at 11:59pm PDT. Please re-post this list on your own blog if listed.

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Madame Editrix
Scarlet Lotus St.Syr

On to the reviews…

Editor’s Pick

  • The Five-Contact Spark Plug, from Huse by Themistokles
  • To find the kind of inventor who cares enough to think things through, you need to look past the mainstream. Leave the well-trod paths behind, and explore the odd little shops where the master artisans do their work.

    The Five-Contact Spark Plug is that kind of masterpiece.

    Rupert Huse, who designed the Spark Plug, was clearly thinking about female anatomy and erotic response.

    Editor’s Note: I’m fascinated with Electrosex and both this review and Themistokles’ other review this week deals directly with it, not only does this review give great information about the toy at hand it also talks about other similar items from other companies by comparison and is generally well written and enticing. Loved it!



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