Microfantasy Mondays comes from Ang of Sweltering Celt, it’s such a good idea I decided to join in!
This week’s theme:There is an ass and it is on display.
His eyes roam over the exposed mounds of flesh, perfectly rounded and soft to the touch. Each movement closer to the edge of the bed brings a new level of excitement as he imagines what the next moments will bring. The red top she wears is pressed hard against the bed as she wiggles and moans her frustration and excitement. All she sees is darkness, even though the room is bright. Her skirt has fallen up around her waist, exposing her soft creamy ass to his view, her hands spread out on either side of her, restrained under the bed.
He licks his lips and lets a finger slide across her wanton flesh, enjoying taking his time and teasing her with the idea of violation without giving in to his own desires to slam his cock into her aching ass. All week he had told her what he was going to do to her tonight, how she would be wet even before she entered his apartment, and how he would take her in every way he felt like. She had been fantasizing and wondering about it, getting lots of teasing information but no specifics to know exactly what he had planned. Slowly he positioned himself behind her.
Oh, I love this one. So many different directions for the imagination to take after you leave off… exactly what my intention was with these MMs!!! Thank you for joining us!!!
Panthera Pardus
Love it!! I love that quivering anticipation you describe in the restrained partner and the deliberate restraint of the controlling partner. *shiver* Nice. :)
Panthera Pardus’s last blog post: Underbed Restraints Pre-review.
Dragon Mage
Ooo, very hot. I love it. ^_^
Dragon Mage’s last blog post: Microfantasy Mondays
What a Delicious Micro Fantasy…..My Lover and I were just enjoying a similar scenario just this morning…what a lovely way to start the day don’t you think?
Much Lust to You
Dirty Angel
DirtyAngelSinner’s last blog post: Meet me
yes, great build up and then leaving us hanging… to use our imagination ;-)
Kyle’s last blog post: In Review: Getting a closer look at Jaguar