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Review: Under the Bed Restraints

I’ve read a few other reviews of the Under the Bed Restraints which have basically all said the same thing: these are not hardcore leather restraints, so these aren’t for the lover of heavy leather and chains, but they are wonderful for some quick and easy bondage which won’t leave marks for others to see. I couldn’t agree more.

When I first got this restraint system I immediately went upstairs to our bedroom and fitted it under the mattress. It was easy to do (as long as you can lift the mattress). Basically the Under the Bed Restraint system came with four cuffs (for wrists and ankles, of course), and five straps. One middle strap to run up and down under your mattress, and four straps to attach to the middle strap for the cuffs to attach to. I easily clipped all of the straps together and set it under the mattress.

The directions say that you can fashion the straps in two ways under the mattress: so the cuffs come out the sides, or the top and bottom of the bed, or some combination thereof. I set the cuffs up so they were all coming out the sides, at first, but I’ve also moved them around (by lifting the mattress so they’re not snagged underneath) so that the ankle straps are coming out the sides and the wrist ones are coming up the top of the bed, which is a configuration I also enjoy.

I had to wait for Dominus to come home from work before we were able to test these out. I’m quite a squirmy sub and like to struggle and fight when restrained, testing my bonds and seeing if I can escape, and let me say: there was no escape from these. While they are light, as I mentioned above, they are definitely sturdy and do not come apart easily. And I definitely tried to get out of them. The cuffs are a good size, more than big enough for my wrists and ankles, which are both pretty large (big boned fat girl that I am).

One of the nice things about the Under the Bed Restraints is that the cuffs can easily be interchanged with another set. You don’t have to use the cuffs that come in the box, although they are rather nice, but if you have that love of leather or the desire for something heavier you can easily clip a different set of cuffs to the accessible rings. It is as versatile as your toybox, and is such a quick and easy way to immobilize anyone.

The straps are easily adjusted as well, with a simple tug you can tighten the straps so the bottom is tight against the bed, or loosen them if you want hir to move and kneel in the middle of the bed. They are also easy to tuck away under the mattress if you have other people (or kids) in the house that you don’t want asking questions about the cuffs dangling from beneath the mattress.

Like I said, if you’re looking for something heavy, this isn’t exactly what you’re wanting, though you can always buy some nice expensive cuffs to use with the system. The brilliance and appeal of the Under the Bed Restraint System is that it is super easy to set up, very versatile as far as the ability to interchange cuffs as well as the placement of the straps, and is a quick and easy way to make someone helpless at a moment’s whim: there is no complicated rigging to set up, just set it up once, then velcro someone into place whenever desired. I highly recommend them to anyone who enjoys bondage, whether they are a beginner or advanced bondage connoisseur.

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Go PoMo!


Bare (HNT)


  1. So does the guy with the abs come with it? *grin*

    In all seriousness, I like the fact that you can change out the cuffs; I have cuffs I like, but I don’t have a bedframe at the moment. I assume the straps are long enough to accomodate a queen-sized bed?

  2. @Panthera Pardus: If only!

    And yes, I have a queen and it works fantastically, definitely a great alternative to having a bedframe (I don’t have one either).

  3. Tarazed

    Thanks for the review, I’m definitely going to have to check this out! Scarves worked well on my old twin bed, but with the new queen, this looks to be the way to go!

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