So it may be my week for PSA’s, and I’m okay with that since I’m all busy with family things up here in Washington. I had the idea not too long ago of taking some of my wonderful blogger friends and starting a burlesque group. It makes me sad that we’re all in different parts of the country, but there are tons of sex bloggers in NYC who are getting together to do something super awesome!

From the website:

“How cool would it be to do a blogger calendar and sell it to benefit a good cause,” was the little thought that blossomed. Everyone I asked couldn’t wait to participate or assist with time, suggestions, money and all manner of support.

In the end, twelve of NYC’s most dynamic literary and sex positive women -writers, sex educators, film makers, and ordinary women – joined together in order to support Audacia Ray’s Sex Work Awareness Project. We are some of the New York area’s best and brightest, and we want to see the stigma associated with sex work and workers removed. […] The poses will be fun and flirty and burlesque themed, with no graphic nudity. Think costumes, corsets, pasties and g-strings.

So, you’re probably wondering which sex bloggers are involved in this. I know I was! The sexy burlesquy sex bloggers participating are:
Audacia Ray
Elizabeth Wood
Jamye Waxman
Lux Alptraum
Rachel Kramer Bussel
Sinclair Sexsmith
Tess Danesi
Twanna A Hines

Also, you can buy a day in the calendar, which means there are 365 days which can be written-in. You can buy a calendar and a day for $30, which isn’t bad, and get up to 80 characters on your day of choice. Promote your blog, your birthday, a friend/lover’s birthday, or something else entirely. Go to for information on how to buy a day and calendar, and any further information!