Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Protected Posts

I find myself thinking about doing more protected posts in the future. I have mentioned that you simply need to contact me to get the password for protected posts, but I know it’s a good idea to post something on here too.

So, if you would like to read the previous protected post and any/all that may come up in the future simply comment here and I will send the password to you via email. If for some reason you do not want others to know you are reading my protected posts you can also DM me on twitter if I am following you (and if I’m not following you and I should be feel free to comment here telling me your twitter name as well so I can follow you), or send an email to Lotus AT and I will respond!

Also, on a completely separate geeky note, I purchased and am now using it specifically as a domain for short urls (similar to tinyurl or for my own sites. I love it.


e[lust] #6


Civil War


  1. I’d like the password please. Feel free to DM it to me on twitter.
    .-= Nadia West´s last blog ..Review: Tenga Egg from Babeland =-.

  2. Onyx

    I can has passwords? O wait, I has it

  3. Bella

    I would like to have it.
    .-= Bella´s last blog ..A rant on being polite =-.

  4. Callaigh

    Please? :)

  5. Lauren

    Por favor? I love your writing!

  6. Ani

    Would love the pass word to protected posts.

  7. Pretty please, may I have the password? Glad to see I’m not the only cyber-stalker asking for it. ;-) Miss you!
    .-= Coy Pink´s last blog ..HNT – Black and blue =-.

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

      Done and done! I miss you too. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend! =)

  8. I would love to have it
    .-= Alpine Subdreams´s last blog ..Lewbari Weekend – Bondage and Suspension weekend in Vancouver =-.

  9. Would love it…

  10. I know I’m a little late replying to this, but if you don’t mind, may I please have the password to your protected posts? Thank you in advance if you choose to share it with me.
    .-= April´s last blog ..Choices and friendship =-.

    • Scarlet Lotus St. Syr

      Late isn’t bad at all, especially as I was late in sending it out to you. Just sent. =)

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