Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Fabulous (HNT)

I was feeling fabulous and decided to put on my red leather corset, fishnets, and red and leopard print shoes. I did a few classic pinup poses but photos from my perspective.

HNT Fabulous Fishnets

I thought my legs looked pretty wonderful, but my boobs looked pretty awesome as well, so I had to get a nice shot of that. Similar perspective, but different focus…

HNT Fabulous Boobs

I took a few shots with my leopard print coat, to match the shoes. I’ve had this coat for about nine years, and I still love it! It’s had it’s share of repairs, but is still as fabulous as ever.

HNT Fabulous Leopard Coat

And a little back view…

HNT Fabulous Leopard Coat Back View

My fabulous drag queen self couldn’t resist showing off today, as my flame is burning bright. I’ve been thinking a lot about my genders lately, and my affinity with Mae West, and if you haven’t read my post on The Femme’s Guide please do! I’m feeling really happy with my body, happier than I have in a while, and I think it shows.


Examination of Two Queered Genders


NoFauxxx's Queer Photo Contest


  1. Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Thanks for sharing your fabulousness. ;-)

    Coy Pink’s last blog post: Sugasm #153

  2. MarlaSinger

    I’ll take two please ;)

  3. lookin good from here.
    very sexy!!

    sage’s last blog post: HNT, revolting wranglers, nap time

  4. wow, HOT!

    chicory’s last blog post: The Rude World Intrudes

  5. Amber

    Would you LOOK at that rear view! You are gorgeous, dahling.

  6. I understand the affinity for Mae West too. My online last name is an homage to her.

    Lovely photos!

    Nadia West’s last blog post: Resolution

  7. Beautiful Dreamer

    Holy damn. Gorgeous. HHNT

    Beautiful Dreamer’s last blog post: HNT

  8. What a great outfit! And I really like your photos, too :)

    xx Dee

  9. If I said I wanted to bite your ass, would you delete my comment??


    RAWR! Hawt.

    Betty Rocket’s last blog post: Oh What A Night

  10. Oh. Em. Gee. Sus.

    I want that coat so so so so much.

    PS. I also want you. A lot. Just got really distracted by the leopard print!

    Essin’ Em’s last blog post: Good Girl

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